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What to do Get Rid of Wine Stains?

What to do Get Rid of Wine Stains?

We all have a love-hate relationship with red wine: We love the bold, fruity taste but hate that the red pigments can stain almost anything, from clothes to furniture to rugs. When the inevitable spill happens, act fast and start blotting (not rubbing!) the stain with an absorbent cloth ASAP because the pigments set into the fibres rather quickly. Then, follow this how-to guide by the cleaning experts at SKKS to learn the best way to remove red wine stains from clothes, upholstery, or carpet.



How to Get Red Wine Out of Upholstery.


Light-coloured furniture, while beautiful, is an open invitation for spills and stains. Luckily, even red wine won’t ruin your upholstery if you act fast.

When you word a spill in your furnishings, blot up as plenty of spilt wine as possible.

Mix half of tsp of liquid hand dishwashing detergent with 2 cups of cool water, and sponge the stain with the answer.

Blot with an absorbent material till the liquid is absorbed. Then sponge with cold water and blot dry.


Getting wine stains out of your carpet.


When you word a spill in your furnishings, blot up as plenty of spilt wine as possible.

Mix half of tsp of liquid hand dishwashing detergent with 2 cups of cool water, and sponge the stain with the answer.

Blot with an absorbent material till the liquid is absorbed. Then sponge with cold water and blot dry.


Let the experts handle it


When your spills are too much to handle on your own, it’s better to leave it to the experts at SKKS, who, with their various services like Carpet Cleaning, Couch Cleaning and Mattress Cleaning,   more than likely get the toughest of stains out of your furniture so, spill without worries and let the experts handle the rest.

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